The Postered Chromatic Poetics online art store at and Fine Art America features a wide variety of contemporary photography, digital art, poster art, and text graphics inspired by Aberjhani’s diverse literary works and created by the author-artist himself. It is the official outlet for the works featured here and at Fine Art America.
Numerous websites, organizations, and individual social media profiles have featured their own creative versions of Postered Poetics. Those who have done so in the spirit of sharing inspiration and creative passion, without breaking intellectual property laws by using them to generate commercial profits, have helped add beauty and harmony to online communities.
Unfortunately, some of these have used the creations illegally by marketing them for profit or using texts as unauthorized ad slogans. Individuals and organizations who wish to utilize texts or images created by Aberjhani in this capacity are invited to make arrangements through the Bright Skylark Literary Productions contact page (please see form below).
The Great News is that the images and posters here are for sale via Fine Art America and be purchased at reasonable prices without any guilt whatsoever. They are available in many exciting formats, such as: coffee mugs, framed prints, tote bags, beach towels, shower curtains, phone cases, throw pillows, duvet covers, and more. Enjoy!